Ascend Youth is for teens aged 13 to 18 years old who want to develop a closer, deeper relationship with God. Following the 4 purposes of Ascend Church, it is our belief that every member of AY should be equipped to be the light (Matthew 5:14-16) in their families, to their peers, and in their schools. Anyone, no matter the age, can be used by God to impact the lives of others and change the world around them.
How do we do it? In our monthly gatherings, held every Third Sunday of the month, students gather to worship, listen to a teaching on the Word of God and the revelations it brings, and they have time to discuss and practice what they learn. Not only that, but there is time for great fellowship throughout the night. In addition to monthly meetings, we host activities to hang out like bowling, mini golf, and services at the beach!
AY students don’t just attend youth group, we also give them opportunities to grow and develop their gifts! We give opportunities for students to grow as they serve on the worship team, pray in a meeting, plan fellowship activities and serve at Ascend Church services.
Want to get in touch with Ascend Youth? Email ascendchurch.us@gmail.com for more information!